Probiotics Good Bacteria for Soil
Our biofertilisers comprises a transporter medium wealthy in live microorganisms, when connected to seed, soil or living plants, it expands soil supplements or makes them organically accessible.
They shape a commonly advantageous and harmonious association with host plants as they develop in the soil.
Enhance the root system of all plants using the power of Mycorrhiza fungi
Mycorrhizal fungi powder forms symbiotic relationships with plants at the root level. These fungi enshroud and, in some cases, penetrate the structure of plant roots to form an intimate connection that facilitates a 2-way nutrient exchange. The mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi powder essentially extends the roots system of their associated plants to help the plants easily draw in nutrients, minerals, and water from afar. In return, the mycorrhizal plant provides the fungus with photosynthesized sugars.
Improve the root system of all crops using the power of Mycorrhizal Fungi. This magic fungus will build a symbiotic relationship with the roots of many crops and increase the rhizosphere of that plant.
Enhance soil fertility using naturally derived organic inputs
Bio-Manure is an all-purpose organic plant feed that is suitable for use on all plants, trees, shrubs and edibles. It is a 360 degree plant food recipe which provides essential nutrients needed by the plant to grow healthier, stronger and ultimately increase output. It is a molasses based organic soil fertiliser that is designed to improve the efficiency of the crop cycle and increase agriculture yield.
Fermogreen is an Bio Fertilizer produced through the natural way with plant nutrients extracted from plants itself, along with with soil bacteria. It primarily enhances aeration in the rhyzosphere (root zone) and improves soil texture.
Bio-Manna is an organic manure produced through decomposition of selected biomass, in a scientific manner with naturally occurring beneficial bacteria for effective Nitrogen / Phosphorus fiing. Additionally, the product is enriched with readily accessible Micro & Macro Nutrients for the better Root & Shoot Growth of the plant.
Revive (Bio.,) is a bio-fertilizer based on the selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria. This is available in powder (1×10 7 CFU / gm) formulation which can reduce or remove the need for Chemical fertilizer. This product helps in production of superior crops by providing balanced nutrition in available form.
NEEM MANURE is the residue that can be used after Neem seed kernels are crushed for their oil. These seed kernel contains high amount of nutrients like NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) as well as nortriterpenoids and isoprenoids. These nutrients are nematicidal in nature so the seed cake ends up with these properties.
State-of-the-art microbial inoculants that will boost accessibility to organic matter and soil fertility
MICROM stands for Effective Microorganisms and is a mixture of microorganisms.
MICROM contains a mixture of Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas Palustris), Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Plantarum) and (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae).
MICRO-MANNA is a Diluent to activate MICROM, to enhance the performance of the Biofertiliser product. MICRO-MANNA contains a mixture of Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas Palustris), Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Plantarum) and (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae). MICRO-MANNA influences the microbial environment in a way that the constructive microorganisms become dominant.
FERMACTO is a Bio fertiliser based on a selective strain of Nitrogen and Phosphorus fixing beneficial bacteria with essential nutrients. This product is available in Liquid formulation. Helps in production of superior crops by providing balanced nutrition in available form.
MULTI-BIO is a double action bio-fertilizer recipe, formulated by the research team at Indogulf BioAg. It is primarily mycorrhiza based, and hence provides all the goodness to the root of the plant through mycorrhiza fungi. Additionally, multi-bio also contains all essential nutrients which the plant needs to grow healthy and strong. This double advantage which MULTI-BIO provides work together indigenously as the soil receives essential nutrients organically and the root system of the plant is enhanced due to the mycorrhiza fungi which is present in the recipe.
Protect your crops from any bacterial diseases, fungal infections or pests that pose a risk on your crop using our range of organic fertilizer
BLOOM UP is a new-generation, reflective form of anti-transpirant cum anti-stress product. It is based on long chain fatty alcohol derived from non-edible vegetable oil. It Imparts drought tolerance to crops by preventing excessive water loss from plants. Does not interfere in the normal automatic activities and photosynthetic.
TH-DERMA Bio Fungicide is a product containing Trichoderma Harzianum and Antagonistic Fungus with a spore load of 2 x 106 CFU / Gm. It is effective in controlling both seed and soil-borne pathogens, causing damping-off, root rot, and wilt diseases. The product is free from fungal contamination and has a shelf life of 12 months..
NEEM OIL is a natural pesticide extracted from the seeds of Neem (Azadirachta indica), a tropical tree native to the Indian subcontinent. All parts of the tree have an antimicrobial and insecticidal property that has been exploited for thousands of years by indigenous people. Its excellent safety profile for higher organisms, especially birds and mammals, makes it a better alternative to chemical pesticides. The seeds of the neem tree are the most concentrated source of the insecticide chemical neem oil.
Enhance soil fertility using naturally derived organic inputs
Bio-Manure is an all-purpose organic plant feed that is suitable for use on all plants, trees, shrubs and edibles. It is a 360 degree plant food recipe which provides essential nutrients needed by the plant to grow healthier, stronger and ultimately increase output. It is a molasses based organic soil fertiliser that is designed to improve the efficiency of the crop cycle and increase agriculture yield.
Fermogreen is an Bio Fertilizer produced through the natural way with plant nutrients extracted from plants itself, along with with soil bacteria. It primarily enhances aeration in the rhyzosphere (root zone) and improves soil texture.
Bio-Manna is an organic manure produced through decomposition of selected biomass, in a scientific manner with naturally occurring beneficial bacteria for effective Nitrogen / Phosphorus fiing. Additionally, the product is enriched with readily accessible Micro & Macro Nutrients for the better Root & Shoot Growth of the plant.
Revive (Bio.,) is a bio-fertilizer based on the selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria. This is available in powder (1×10 7 CFU / gm) formulation which can reduce or remove the need for Chemical fertilizer. This product helps in production of superior crops by providing balanced nutrition in available form.
NEEM MANURE is the residue that can be used after Neem seed kernels are crushed for their oil. These seed kernel contains high amount of nutrients like NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) as well as nortriterpenoids and isoprenoids. These nutrients are nematicidal in nature so the seed cake ends up with these properties.
DATES PRO is an organic growth elixir that we have prepared for crop cultivation. An organic alternative to Urea, DATES PRO is a 360 degree plant food recipe which will provide each and every essential nutrient which the plants need to grow healthier, stronger and ultimately increase output.
Insecta Repel is a biological control agents for larvae stages of certain dipterans. Bit produces toxins which are effective in killing various species of mosquitoes, fungus gnats, and blackflies, while having almost no effect on other organisms. Indeed, this is one of the major advantages of B. thuringiensis products in general is that they are thought to affect few nontarget species.
There are different types of stem borers. Caterpillars that bore into stem cause the damage and feed internally causing the death of central shoot known as “Dead Heart”. Affected plants produce white chaffy earhead at flowering stage. Just after hatching larvae migrates between the leaf sheaths where they are protected from natural enemies and insecticidal sprays.
A full grown caterpillar is dull green in colour with four longitudinal stripes and an orange or brown head . Caterpillars feed on the leaves and in severe infestation entire seed beds and fields are destroyed and the fields appears as if it has been grazed by animals / cattle’s. The larvae feed voraciously in the night and hide in the soil during the day time.
The insect has attained the status of major pest in bordering areas of Assam and Bangladesh . Both adults and grubs do damage. The adults are small blue green beetle with spines all over the body. The grubs enter and mine the leaf between the epidermal layers creating irregular translucent patches. The adults scrap the upper surface of the leaf blade leaving only the lower epidermis. The damaged plant parts appear as white streaks parallel to the mid ribs.
The adult moths are brownish orange in colour 8-10 mm long with a wing span of 12-20mm. The larva infests the leaves, roll them longitudinally, live inside and feed on the green matter.
Adults are 6mm long with wing span of 15mm. Slender green coloured caterpillars cut leaf blades into length of about ½” out of which they make tubular cases with which they feed. Several tubes are seen hanging from the plants. The caterpillars often drop suddenly on the surface of water and paddle along till it reaches another plants. During heavy damage, leaves are skeletonised and appear whitish in colour.
It is a major problem in upland as well as in lowland where paddy is grown continuously. The adult is about 15mm long, slender and brownish green in colour, which emits an offensive odour. Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the developing grains by which grains becomes empty (chaffy), lower in quality and break during milling.
The adult hopper is light to dark brown in colour measuring about 3-4mm in body length. Both nymphs and adults damage the plants by sucking the sap. During the early stage of plant growth reduces height, general vigour and infested plants turn yellow and dries up. At later stages, crop dries up in patches known as hopper burn. The pest also transmits virus disease called “Grassy Stunt” .
Those are tiny worms like living bodies. Causes formation of galls on the roots. It attacks the crops during early growth stages and is severe in uplands. The infected plants look stunted with orange yellow leaves and highly reduced yield.
It is a major problem in upland as well as in lowland where paddy is grown continuously. The adult is about 15mm long, slender and brownish green in colour, which emits an offensive odour. Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the developing grains by which grains becomes empty (chaffy), lower in quality and break during milling.
This fungal diseases affect the crop at all growing stage viz nursery, tillering and flowering. The disease affects the leaves, nodes and panicles of rice plant. Typical symptoms on leaves are spindle or eye-shaped spots with grey centres. Nodes of infected culms turn black and break due to rotting. Neck of the panicles also rot leading to chaffy grains or breaking of panicles.
It is a fungal disease. It produces oval dark brown spots on leaves, stems and plumes. When severe, causes heavy damage both in nursery and the field. The disease occurs mostly in deficient and poor soils and it is commonly referred to as poor man’s disease.It is a fungal disease. It produces oval dark brown spots on leaves, stems and plumes. When severe, causes heavy damage both in nursery and the field. The disease occurs mostly in deficient and poor soils and it is commonly referred to as poor man’s disease.
Bacterial disease with typical symptoms of yellow to white lesions along the margins, which may ultimately enlarge to cover the entire leaf. The infection occurs mostly during transplanting through injury to the roots and leaves. The disease spreads fast under favourable environmental conditions like incessant rains, strong winds and warm temperature.
It is a fungal and seed borne disease. It is a serious disease since it causes 100% sterility to the panicles. The fungus attacks the panicles resulting in sticking together of the ash coloured spikelets so that no grains formation can take place. Infected plants are shorter in heights and thus escape attention.
It is a soil borne disease and has recently assumed seriousness in the region. The disease initially affects the leaf sheath and under favourable conditions also affects the leaves. The affected parts get blighted severely affecting the yields. Infected rice plants tends to lodge in the field.